Recently, several targeted LoRA trainings were done using lora-scripts.

LoRA Train Repo:

CPU model: 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-13900K

Graphics card: NVIDIA RTX 4090 24G

First of all, let me talk about the training summary. The more training steps, the more the actual results deviate from the prototype.

Common training parameters:

model_train_type = "sd-lora"
resolution = "512,768"
max_train_epochs = 10_000
train_batch_size = 8
learning_rate = 0.0002
unet_lr = 0.0002
text_encoder_lr = 0.00002
lr_scheduler = "constant"
lr_warmup_steps = 0
optimizer_type = "AdaFactor"
min_snr_gamma = 5
# network
network_module = "networks.lora"
network_dim = 64
network_alpha = 32
# dropout tag
caption_dropout_rate = 0.005
caption_dropout_every_n_epochs = 10
caption_tag_dropout_rate = 0.002
# noise
multires_noise_iterations = 6
multires_noise_discount = 0.3
# speed
mixed_precision = "fp16"
full_fp16 = true

Learning quality:

TensorBoard[Data dashboard]:

About 3960 epoch of painting: